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Study Schedule

Creating a Study Schedule That Works: A Reference Guide for Nepali Students

Studying for the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, or any other admission test is no easy task—especially for Nepali students balancing school, extracurricular activities, and family commitments. The key to successful preparation lies in developing a study schedule that is not only effective but also practical enough to follow consistently until test day. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create a study timetable that works:

Study Schedule

1. Assess Your Current Commitments

Before diving into study planning, take a close look at your current schedule. Identify non-negotiable commitments, such as school, tuition, and family responsibilities. Understanding how much time you realistically have each day for studying will help you create a schedule that you can stick to.

2. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Setting goals is crucial for any study plan. Determine what you want to achieve by the end of your study period. Are you aiming for a particular score on the SAT or GRE? Do you need to improve your English proficiency for the TOEFL or IELTS? Set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals that will guide your study sessions.

3. Break Down the Syllabus

Each test has a comprehensive syllabus that needs to be covered. Break it down into manageable sections. For example, if you’re preparing for the SAT, you can divide your study into Math, Reading, and Writing. For the GRE, focus on Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Analytical Writing. Allocate time for each section based on your strengths and weaknesses.

4. Prioritize Your Weak Areas

While it’s important to review all sections, prioritize the areas where you need the most improvement. If you struggle with math, allocate more time to practice problems and review concepts. Conversely, if you’re strong in reading comprehension, you can spend less time on that section. Tailoring your study schedule to your needs ensures efficient use of your time.


Study Schedule

5. Create a Weekly Study Plan

After breaking down the syllabus and identifying your priorities, it’s time to create a weekly study plan. Here’s a sample structure:

  • Monday to Friday: Dedicate 2-3 hours each day to studying. Focus on different sections each day to keep your study sessions varied and engaging.
  • Saturday: Reserve this day for taking full-length practice tests. Simulate test conditions to build your endurance and improve your time management.
  • Sunday: Use this day to review your practice test results, work on weak areas, and catch up on any missed study sessions during the week.

6. Incorporate Short Breaks

Continuous studying without breaks can lead to burnout. Incorporate short breaks into your study sessions to rest and recharge. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves studying for 25 minutes and taking a 5-minute break, is a popular method to maintain focus and productivity.

7. Use Study Aids and Resources

Make use of study aids such as flashcards, online resources, and mobile apps that can help you study more efficiently. For Nepali students, consider using bilingual resources if you find certain concepts difficult to understand in English. Additionally, group study sessions can be beneficial for discussing difficult topics and staying motivated.

8. Stay Flexible and Adjust as Needed

Your study schedule should be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected events or changes in your routine. If you find that a particular strategy isn’t working, don’t hesitate to adjust your schedule. The goal is to create a plan that fits your lifestyle and maximizes your learning.

9. Track Your Progress

Keep track of your progress by noting down the topics you’ve covered and the scores you achieve in practice tests. This will give you a clear picture of how much you’ve accomplished and what still needs work. Regularly assessing your progress will help you stay motivated and on track to reach your goals.

10. Take Care of Your Health

Finally, remember that your physical and mental well-being is just as important as your studies. Ensure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, and staying active. A healthy body and mind are crucial for effective studying and optimal performance on test day.

Study Schedule


Creating a study schedule that works for you is an essential step in your test preparation journey. By assessing your commitments, setting clear goals, prioritizing your weak areas, and staying flexible, you can develop a study plan that not only fits your lifestyle but also maximizes your chances of success. Remember, consistency and perseverance are key—stick to your plan, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving your academic goals. Good luck! from Asian Education

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