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Balancing Studies and Part-Time Work: Study Abroad Tips or Nepali Students


Overseas education is a fruitful process that encompasses a great number of possibilities for a student’s further development. That being said, it is a fact that most of the Nepali students either have their part time jobs in order to manage their own expenses aside from their classes. Working while studying is something that is not easy especially for those that work and go to school part-time, but with good management of time, one can excel in both areas. It is crucial to be good at balancing your work life and your academics. Below is a breakdown of some of the strategies that you can use to consider this process successfully. 


That is why it is necessary to wrap the formula up with the understanding of the importance of balance in human activities.


Balancing studies and work is crucial for several reasons


Academic Success: The aim that students generally have is to achieve good results in the classroom. Managing your working schedule means that you will be in a position to have ample time and energy to dedicate to your books.

Financial Stability: One can find a part-time job to pay bills or other expenditures so that money concerns do not cause as much strain or take as much time, which would be a hindrance in experiencing the country that one is in; enjoyably.

Skill Development: The approach of working when learning assists in the acquisition of time management, organization and ability to juggle between tasks, which are essentials in any workplace.

Networking Opportunities: This is important because, having a part time job one is able to establish relationships with people in the workplace, also one gets a chance to gain experiences in that particular workplace.


Selecting the Proper Type of a Part-Time Employment


It is highly important to get a part time job that will not interfere with your studies and is flexible to your timetable. Here are some tips to help you choose the right job:Here are some tips to help you choose the right job:


Flexibility: Part time jobs that can be done before or after classes should be sought for. Other jobs like those that are located in the school- for instance, working in the library or cafeteria are normally more flexible.

Relevance: If that is possible, one should get a job in his or her area of specialization. This can give you relevant experience, and improve your CV and resume, in case for some reason you can no longer study.

Proximity: These could be a few tips of recommending jobs that are proximal to your campus or your home so that you can have little or no time for long distances traveling.

Workload: Do not take up strenuous jobs or jobs that will require a lot of your time since they will interfere with your studies.


Time Management And Balancing Tips


This makes it easy for students to alternate between studying and working because time management is critical in these endeavors. Here are some strategies to help you manage your time efficiently:


Create a Schedule: Make a timetable that observes the number of hours you spend on class, studying, working, and other activities in a week. Try to follow this schedule as closely as you can in order to maintain equilibrium of the schedule.

Prioritize Tasks: Thus, the first step of time management is to determine which activities are most important and to schedule them first. Being a student, ensure to finish pending class tasks before engaging in work-related chores.

Use a Planner: Get a calendar or planner to help keep track of the due dates, quizzes/exams, work schedules, et cetera. This saves you time so that you do not have to cram at the last minute.

Set Goals: These goals should be realistic, academic and work related for the week in advance. Always try to decompose a large activity into several doable sub-activities to minimize going astray.

Avoid Procrastination: If they procrastinate, they will be stressed and produce substandard work only needed to be produced at a higher standard. The student should not procrastinate, and he should complete tasks quickly without delaying important assignments.

Maintaining Academic Performance


It is advisable that you give your academics the ultimate consideration even when you are holding a part-time job. Here are some tips to ensure you stay on top of your studies:


Stay Engaged in Class: Go to all your classes, be an active learner and be sure to take down all the notes that are given. Class participation also enables one to grasp what has been taught in class hence reducing on time spent in studying.

Utilize Campus Resources: Make use of services offered in your college like, tutorial centers, study groups and library services. It is here that these resources may afford you additional assistance and add to your learning process.

Communicate with Professors: You should remain on good terms with your teachers or professors. Let them know that you are working while in school and consult them if you have any issues regarding your working schedule.

Study Smart: Build good study skills in order to revise notes, make flash cards and answer sample papers. Smart learning is more efficient and effective in terms of time as well as help you to better and firmly remember the information.


Take Care of Your Health: Take care of your body, and your mind too. Minimize the period elapsed because you need to rest, eat right, exercise and take some time off.

Balancing Work Commitments

The issue on how one is supposed to manage one’s work is very important in matters concerning work-life balance. Here are some tips to help you succeed at your part-time job:


Communicate with Your Employer: Do not hide your educational requirements and time that you will consume for the same from your employer. Ideally, your employer should be knowledgeable of your case and should be willing to work with you in regard to the time-table of executing your work.

Be Reliable: Be punctual to work, perform your tasks well and also Ensure you don’t have a negative disposition towards your work. That means that workers’ reliability and professionalism will result in better job offers and recommendations in the future.

Learn to Say No: People should equally appreciate that they are not incorruptible and should not take on assignments and ventures that they cannot handle. Be polite to say no to extra shifts or tasks if they will get in the way of school.

Seek Support: In situations where you are managing the work and college workload or employment and college workload becomes challenging, do not feel shy to ask for a favor from colleagues, supervisors, university counselors among others. They can for instance advise you on achievable things to do and even provide you with materials that will assist in performance of these commitments.

Make the Most of Downtime: One should not waste any spare time at work thus ensuring that every way of time is well utilized. For instance, a weak time may be a time you can pull out your class notes or your study timetable.




Lectures and working as an international student from Nepal and this experience was not very difficult because the tasks are solvable if efficient time management is applied. This shows that through taking the right job, time management, good performance in academia and efficient working on commitments, one is able to optimize the experience from the abroad stint. Welcome to Asian Education, your partners in growth and success: We are here to help, advise and guide you at every step of the way. Hence, having the right strategies in place, one is able to have a fulfilling and an enriching study abroad experience.  


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